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Ana R
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Thank you @bvandbv for an amazing night. At the #eyebar #suziewrong #samstailor

almost 9 years ago 472 likes  0 comment  0 shares

Maya is 6 months now. What a big girl ??. #mayagarland #sixmonths #babygirl #eurasianbaby #korean #puertorico #British #outfit by @cigognebebe

almost 9 years ago 646 likes  1 comments  0 shares

Taste test for Maya. We are planing a trip to the UK and USA over the summer. I was told the best thing to do is to try all the per made baby food before you go on the trip. At the moment Maya really likes @ellaskitchenhk I love the tastes as well. She even eating the #greens #babyfood #mommyknowsbest #healthy #healthychoices

almost 9 years ago 291 likes  0 comment  0 shares

Yes mommy needs to do some work. Why not just help with her emails by pressing every key on the key board when mommy not looking. #weekend #Sunday #25weeksold #baby #eurasian #eurasianbaby #korean #purtorican #british #ighk

almost 9 years ago 685 likes  0 comment  0 shares


Content and hashtag : JCI HK Jayceettes has launched a campaign called “Breastfeeding, Best Feeding” to raise public awareness and support on breastfeeding in Hong Kong. Show your support to breastfeeding mum ! Details: https://www.facebook.com/breastfeeding.bestfeeding.hkjtt/ ‪#‎乳你哺出愛 ‬#‎母乳‬#母乳媽媽‬ ‪#支持母乳餵哺‬#母親節 ‪#‎Breastfeeding‬ ‪#‎Baby‬ ‪#‎Mom‬ ‪#‎normalizebreastfeeding #maxmarahk #weekendmaxmarahk @maxmarahk @maxmara @weekendmaxmara

almost 9 years ago 147 likes  0 comment  0 shares

Thank you #rapeeliving for the cute gift. Maya loves the soft bear so much. #gift #giftideas #love #ighk #living #style #homestyling

almost 9 years ago 482 likes  0 comment  0 shares

Happy Mother's Day to all the amazing Super mom's. My life will never be the same since I had Maya. It's the best thing that has ever happened to me. I never knew I could love someone so much. #mothersday #motherhood #eurasian #love #24weeksold

almost 9 years ago 928 likes  0 comment  0 shares

A morning mommy break at @littlecove.espresso #coffeeshop #healthychoices #motherschoice

almost 9 years ago 280 likes  0 comment  0 shares

JCI HK Jayceettes has launched a campaign called “Breastfeeding, Best Feeding” to raise public awareness and support on breastfeeding in Hong Kong. Join me to show your support on breastfeeding now by uploading this photo to your Instagram/ facebook.

Details: https://www.facebook.com/breastfeeding.bestfeeding.hkjtt/ ‪#‎乳你哺出愛‬‪#‎母乳‬#母乳媽媽‬ ‪#支持母乳餵哺‬ ‪#‎Breastfeeding‬ ‪#‎Baby‬ ‪#‎Mom‬ ‪#‎normalizebreastfeeding


almost 9 years ago 755 likes  0 comment  0 shares

Yummy lunch. Super easy to make. A frying pan. 350g of chicken breast ( chopped) 150g of snow peas. ( washed ) 1 table spoon on coconut oil ( thank you @coconutmatter ) one big spoon of almond butter in a small mixing bowl add 2 spoon of water and mix till blended. Cook chicken. Add snow peas and add nut butter mix cook for another 2 to 3 mins. Then ready to eat. #heathyfood #heathy #healthycooking #wifeknowsbest #cookinghealthy

almost 9 years ago 456 likes  0 comment  0 shares


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Member Since
November 16, 2007