Dear all - we have just uploaded the second set of photos from our official photographers! We have a special BEST COSTUME giveaway contest to announce as well!
Grand prize is TWO tickets to see Avenged Sevenfold in concert courtesy of Live Nation Lushington HK. (for info go to - )
How to win -
1) Find your picture, tag yourself in it.
2) ...Read more
Here's our second album of pics from the 2014 Dead Not Alive Halloween Party, held October 31 at Armani Prive in Landmark, Central, Hong Kong. Brought to you this year by Seven Friday Watches, YesStyle, LiveNation HK, Fotopop and Zombie Fight Club!
Check out a few of the many many press articles covering our event on Friday night. Thanks to all the AnD artists and friends who came out to support the event! Philip Ng Jessica C Andy Onimal Angela Au Kevin Li Gloriana Wong 袁嘉敏
Crazy lots of coverage of the #deadnotalive #Halloween Party ! #alivenotdead #deadnotalivehalloween #armaniprive #jessicaC @jesscambensy @andyonimal @straightblast5 @fotopophk @yesstyle @sevenfridayhongkong @varganator @angelau @glorianawong #andyon #philipng #candyyuen #gloriawong #angelaau #yoyong #hongkonghalloween
Why so serious??? [挤眼]
謝謝大家的支持!我們#Dead Not Alive# 萬聖節派地又成功了!官方的照片都在這裡: 視頻快到了! #ZFC# #Zombie Fight Club# @安志杰AndyOn @JessicaCambensy @kevinjai @袁嘉敏candy @RACE黃婉佩 @2R黃婉君RosanneWong @AlvinGoh吳吉倫 @phatchan @KIT24HERBS
Why does everything have to be a competition. :-P anyway, thank you Apple Daily! #appledaily @jesscambensy #candyyuen #hkentertainment #jessicaC #jessicaCambensy
Hi, I am Admin Bear and this is the company blog. hi,我是小編熊仔,這是 公司的博客