As you may have noticed on our front page is now decked out in a Vans Classic Tales skin!
We are proud to be partnering with Vans Hong Kong on a 3 month project to support their 'Classic Tales' project. They are collecting the stories of Vans fans from around the world on their website
For the Hong Kong leg of this campaign, we are working with Vans to collect the tales of over a dozen artists to share with you. The blogs will launch this week so be sure to keep an eye on the main spotlight on the front page to see the latest!
In the meanwhile we've also helped them do a pair of video tales. Here's the first one featuring our favorite DJ-slash-actor-slash-fashion mogul, Sam Lee 李璨琛:
Here's some behind the scenes pictures of the shoot at Subcrew's Office in Mongkok:
Thanks to
Derrick and
Simon for making the videos!
Stay tuned for more Vans Classic Tales coming up, in the meanwhile go checkout their website here:
ps -
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正如你可能已經注意到 ,在我們的頭版現在掛滿了Vans Classic Tales 的 模样!
我們很榮幸能與Vans 香港成為合作夥伴 ,支持他們 大约三個月的“經典故事”項目。他們正在在他們的網站收集來自世界各地的Vans粉絲的故事
這個項目的香港站,我們正為Vans收集一些 藝術家的故事與大家分享。本博客將在這週首先推出, 所以一定要關注我們的頭版的主要焦點並隨時看到最新的其他藝術家博客!
與此同時,我們也幫助了做一個視頻故事。這一個是Featuring 我們最喜歡的DJ - 演員- 時尚大亨,Sam Lee 李璨琛:
以下是在Subcrew旺角的辦公室, 一些幕後拍攝的照片 :
請繼續關注更多的Vans 經典故事更新,同時也可以訪問他們的網站:
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↓↓↓↓ 請通過點擊下方按鈕, 幫助我們分享此消息!
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正如你可能已经注意到 ,在我们的头版现在挂满了Vans Classic Tales 的 模样!
我们很荣幸能与Vans 香港成为合作伙伴 ,支持他们 大约三个月的“经典故事”项目。他们在他们的网站收集来自世界各地的Vans粉丝的故事
这个项目的香港站,我们正为Vans收集一些 艺术家的故事与大家分享。本博客将在这週首先推出所以一定要关注我们的头版的主要焦点并随时看到最新的艺术家博客!
与此同时,我们也帮助了做一个视频故事。这一个是Featuring 我们最喜欢的DJ - 演员- 时尚大亨, Sam Lee 李璨琛:
以下是在Subcrew旺角的办公室, 一些幕后拍摄的照片 :
请继续关注更多的Vans 经典故事更新,同时也可以访问他们的网站:
ps -
↓↓↓↓ 请通过点击下方按钮, 帮助我们分享此消息!
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As you may have noticed on our front page is now decked out in a Vans Classic Tales skin!
We are proud to be partnering with Vans Hong Kong on a 3 month project to support their 'Classic Tales' project. They are collecting the stories of Vans fans from around the world on their website
For the Hong Kong leg of this campaign, we are working with Vans to collect the tales of over a dozen artists to share with you. The blogs will launch this week so be sure to keep an eye on the main spotlight on the front page to see the latest!
In the meanwhile we've also helped them do a pair of video tales. Here's the first one featuring our favorite DJ-slash-actor-slash-fashion mogul, Sam Lee 李璨琛:'s some behind the scenes pictures of the shoot at Subcrew's Office in Mongkok:
Thanks to
Derrick and
Simon for making the videos
The real deal!
Stay tuned for more Vans Classic Tales coming up, in the meanwhile go checkout their website -
↓↓↓↓ Please help us share the news by clicking on the share buttons below!
Hi, I am Admin Bear and this is the company blog. hi,我是小編熊仔,這是 公司的博客