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UPDATE: Free Tickets to Early Screening of "Scream 4" from alivenotdead.com!|alivenotdead.com免費送出《奪命狂呼4》優先場門票!|alivenotdead.com免费送出《夺命狂呼4》优先场门票!|Free Tickets to Early Screening of

UPDATE: Due to overwhelming demand, the giveaway is CLOSED!  We are out of tickets! :-P

Thanks to everyone who emailed in! Winners will be notified by email in the next few days. We will have more tickets to giveaway next week!  Stay Tuned! 

as if you needed another reason to be part of the alivenotdead.com community,  we have it!   Intercontinental Film Distributors and Sundream Motion Pictures have generously given us 20 tickets to share for the HK advance screening of SCREAM 4.  (yes, that Scream, they made another one after 11 years!)

The film opens in the US on Friday, the 15th of April.  Hong Kong's release is 14th of April, but we have exclusive tickets to the Early Preview Screening Wednesday April 13th at 9:30pm. 

If you'd like to watch the film early with the AnD group,  just do the following:

1) Share this link to your Facebook page 2) Email your name, phone number and AnD username to events@alivenotdead.com We'll give two tickets to the first 10 people who email in! 

Don't forget to watch the trailer:

Video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=P5QfhHiGKlg |
更新:因反應熱烈,門票已全部送出!多謝參與的朋友!得奬者會在幾天內收到電郵通知。下個禮拜我們會送出等多門票!記得留意喔! 需要更多加入alivenotdead.com社群的原因?Intercontinental Film Distributors and Sundream Motion Pictures慷慨地送出了20張《奪命狂呼4》香港優先場的門票。(對呀!十一年後他們再拍了續集!)



1) 按此把本頁分享到Facebook 2)發email到 events@alivenotdead.com,記得列明你的名字、AnD帳號和電話號碼。 我們會送出兩張門票給10個最先發電郵給我們的人!



Video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=P5QfhHiGKlg | 更新:因反应热烈,门票已全部送出!多谢参与的朋友!得奬者会在几天内收到电邮通知。下个礼拜我们会送出等多门票!记得留意喔! 需要更多加入alivenotdead.com社群的原因?Intercontinental Film Distributors and Sundream Motion Pictures慷慨地送出了20张《夺命狂呼4》香港优先场的门票。(对呀!十一年后他们再拍了续集!)



1) 按此把本页分享到Facebook 2)发email 到 events@alivenotdead.com,记得列明你的名字、AnD帐号和电话号码。 我们会送出两张门票给10个最先发电邮给我们的人!



Video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=P5QfhHiGKlg |
UPDATE: Due to overwhelming demand, the giveaway is CLOSED! 

Thanks to everyone who emailed in! Winners will be notified by email in the next few days. We will have more tickets to giveaway next week!  Stay Tuned!  as if you needed another reason to be part of the alivenotdead.com community,  we have it!   Intercontinental Film Distributors and Sundream Motion Pictures have generously given us 20 tickets to share for the HK advance screening of SCREAM 4.  (yes, that Scream, they made another one after 11 years!)

The film opens in the US on Friday, the 15th of April.  Hong Kong's release is 14th of April, but we have exclusive tickets to the Early Preview Screening Wednesday April 13th at 9:30pm. 

If you'd like to watch the film early with the AnD group,  just do the following:

1) Share this link to your Facebook page 2) Email your name, phone number and AnD username to events@alivenotdead.com We'll give two tickets to the first 10 people who email in! 

Don't forget to watch the trailer:

Video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=P5QfhHiGKlg

almost 14 years ago 0 likes  3 comments  0 shares
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yuki - rule number 3 is you never say 'i have to work that night'! :-P
almost 14 years ago


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