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Li Zan + alivenotdead.com x Lane Crawford = 160!|李贊 + alivenotdead.com x 連卡佛 = 160!|李赞 + alivenotdead.com x 连卡佛 = 160!

You may have seen the spotlight of Li Zan's blog already, but in case you missed it,  we wanted to let everyone know about a great project alivenotdead.com has been luckily to have had the chance to participate in. 

The Hong Kong based luxury department store chain Lane Crawford ('連卡佛' in Chinese) is celebrating their 160th anniversary this year and as part of the celebration of their role in Hong Kong's heritage, they invited over a dozen local artists, studios and design groups to contribute pieces for their celebration exhibition dubbed 'Celebrating Modern Traditions'.

You can read more about it on Lane Crawford's site here.

We were honored to have alivenotdead.com be one of those groups!   It was a difficult search for the right artist from alivenotdead.com to contribute their work on behalf of the community (because Admin Bear is an admin bear, not a painter bear).   Ultimately we decided on Li Zan,  the Mainland China artists who won the MTV x Swatch Playground competition last year.

Lane Crawford asked Li Zan to use his skill in traditional Chinese art styles to create a fusion piece bringing together Hong Kong's traditional roots and its modern present.   In fact he did two pieces,  as you can see in the picture above, one for each side of the main entrance of the flagship Lane Crawford store in IFC. 

Here's two pictures Li Zan took before shipping the paintings to HK:

  You can't really tell, but they are actually quite huge, almost 12 feet tall!   Not an easy task!

Unfortunately time was tight on this project so we didn't get a chance to do more pieces. (Maybe for the 170th anniversary?) :-D

Please check out Li Zan's blog about the pieces if you haven't already.  He has many more pictures. Also p19lease leave him a comment and let me know what you think - http://www.alivenotdead.com/lizan/-Lane-Crawford--profile-1118001.html

Thanks again to Li Zan and the Lane Crawford team!

PS - If you are in Hong Kong through the holidays, please go visit!   Its the main entrance to the store facing the atrium.


你可能已經在藝術家焦點中見過 李贊的部落格。但如果你還未看過的話,我們想讓大家知道alivenotdead.com有幸能參與這個有趣的項目。

立基於香港的大型連鎖高級品牌百貨公司連卡佛(英文是Lane Crawford)今年慶祝160週年紀念。為慶祝連卡佛對於香港的文化傳統所扮演的角色,他們邀請了不少本地藝術家、藝術工作坊及設計團隊來提供他們對於頌揚當代傳統的藝術品作展覽。

你可按此到連卡佛的網頁閱讀更多相關資料。 alivenotdead.com很高興能成為其中一個被邀的組別!我們很不容易才能從眾多位出色的alivenotdead.com藝術家當中選出一名可以代表我們在線社區的人(因為小編熊仔只懂admin的工作,不懂畫畫啦)。最後我們決定選出上年贏取MTX x Swatch Playground比賽的中國內地藝術家李贊。




  你可能不知道,但其實作品蠻大的,約12尺高!真的不容易! 可惜的是,由於時間關係,我們不能製作更多的作品。(可能要等到170週年時才能繼續?):-D

大家快到李贊的部落格看看吧!他拍了更多的照片,快去留言吧!── http://www.alivenotdead.com/lizan/-Lane-Crawford--profile-1118001.html




PS – 如果你假期時在香港的話,請去看看吧!作品被擺放於面向廣場中庭的連卡佛入口。


立基于香港的大型连锁高级品牌百货公司连卡佛(英文是Lane Crawford)今年庆祝160週年纪念。为庆祝连卡佛对于香港的文化传统所扮演的角色,他们邀请了不少本地艺术家、艺术工作坊及设计团队来提供他们对于颂扬当代传统的艺术品作展览。


alivenotdead.com很高兴能成为其中一个被邀的组别!我们很不容易才能从众多位出色的alivenotdead.com 艺术家当中选出一名可以代表我们在线社区的人(因为小编熊仔只懂admin的工作,不懂画画啦)。最后我们决定选出上年赢取MTX x Swatch Playground比赛的中国内地艺术家李赞。




  你可能不知道,但其实作品蛮大的,约12尺高!真的不容易! 可惜的是,由于时间关係,我们不能製作更多的作品。(可能要等到170週年时才能继续?):-D

大家快到李赞的部落格看看吧!他拍了更多的照片,快去留言吧!── http://www.alivenotdead.com/lizan/-Lane-Crawford-- profile-1118001.html




PS – 如果你假期时在香港的话,请去看看吧!作品被摆放于面向广场中庭的连卡佛入口。

Li Zan's blog already, but in case you missed it,  we wanted to let everyone know about a great project alivenotdead.com has been luckily to have had the chance to participate in. 

The Hong Kong based luxury department store chain Lane Crawford ('連卡佛' in Chinese) is celebrating their 160th anniversary this year and as part of the celebration of their role in Hong Kong's heritage, they invited over a dozen local artists, studios and design groups to contribute pieces for their celebration exhibition dubbed 'Celebrating Modern Traditions'.

You can read more about it on Lane Crawford's site here.

We were honored to have alivenotdead.com be one of those groups!   It was a difficult search for the right artist from alivenotdead.com to contribute their work on behalf of the community (because Admin Bear is an admin bear, not a painter bear).   Ultimately we decided on Li Zan,  the Mainland China artists who won the MTV x Swatch Playground competition last year.

Lane Crawford asked Li Zan to use his skill in traditional Chinese art styles to create a fusion piece bringing together Hong Kong's traditional roots and its modern present.   In fact he did two pieces,  as you can see in the picture above, one for each side of the main entrance of the flagship Lane Crawford store in IFC. 

Here's two pictures Li Zan took before shipping the paintings to HK:

  You can't really tell, but they are actually quite huge, almost 12 feet tall!   Not an easy task!

Unfortunately time was tight on this project so we didn't get a chance to do more pieces. (Maybe for the 170th anniversary?) :-D

Please check out Li Zan's blog about the pieces if you haven't already.  He has many more pictures. Also p19lease leave him a comment and let me know what you think - http://www.alivenotdead.com/lizan/-Lane-Crawford--profile-1118001.html

Thanks again to Li Zan and the Lane Crawford team!

PS - If you are in Hong Kong through the holidays, please go visit!   Its the main entrance to the store facing the atrium.

大约 14 年 前 0 赞s  5 评论s  0 shares
45862083 0af2fd4d5d
flagday - ha ha. that's a vote of confidence if ever there was one!
大约 14 年 ago
Mariejost 26 dsc00460
Lane Crawford goes and puts a shoe display in front of the paintings and then people wonder why everyone says HK has no culture (or its only culture is shopping)! The type of clientele who shops at Lane Crawford would be the one to buy paintings like this. You have to wonder, though, if the tai-tai's can see past the shoes to notice the paintings? Shame on Lane Crawford for treating fine art like it is wallpaper for a window display. Worse, they weren't even creative in how they integrated the merchandise with the art work.
接近 14 年 ago


Hi, I am Admin Bear and this is the alivenotdead.com company blog. hi,我是小編熊仔,這是 alivenotdead.com 公司的博客


Hong Kong
November 13, 2006