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Help design the AnD Flugtag Flying Machine!|幫助設計AnD Flugtag飛機|帮助设计AnD Flugtag飞机

alivenotdead.com is proud to announce that we are a media partner in Red Bull's first ever FLUGTAG event in Asia!  Hong Kong will host Red Bull's home made flying machine event on October 10th, 2010 ( 10/10/10!)    In total over 40 teams will be participating -- building their own airplanes and then launching them off a 6 meter platform at West Kowloon into Victoria Harbor.  

Go here for more info about Flugtag in HK - http://redbullflugtag.hk/

As an official media partner for the event we will be sharing the latest news and announcement about the event.  We'll also be FIELDING AN OFFICIAL alivenotdead.com team!   We're working on putting together a team of AnD artists to build a plane to represent our community at the event.

We'll also need YOUR help in coming up with our AnD plane's design. All you have to do is send in a sketch of what you think the alivenotdead.com Flugtag entry should look like.  We'll collect the best entries and share them on www.alivenotdead.com/redbull.   

The top vote earner will win a free pair of Red Bull limited edition Puma Drift Cat II Racing shoes from Puma!  (and bragging rights if your design makes it to the big show on October 10th!) 

Participating is easy:

1) Download this image (Right click here and 'Save as'):2) Print it out and sketch how YOU think the AnD team plane should be designed.  The more creative the better! (of course AnD theme is a must!

3) Don't forget to also give your design a name! 4) Scan the paper and email the picture in JPG format to 'events@alivenotdead.com'. This competition is open to artists and users from anywhere in the world.  You can send in as many sketches as you'd like!

Deadline for entry is now August 5th but we'll start sharing sketches as of next week!  Don't wait, the sooner you send it in, the better your chance of winning!

ps - don't worry,  the shoes come in both Men's and Women's sizes! ;-)


alivenotdead.com很榮幸地宣佈我們是 Red Bull在亞洲首次的 FLUGTAG活動的媒體合作夥伴!香港將於2010年10月10日( 10/10/10!)舉辦Red Bull的自製飛機活動。將有超過40支隊伍參加 -- 製作他們自己的飛機,並從6米高的平臺起飛,由西九龍飛往維多利亞港。

來這裡查看更多關於香港這次Flugtag活動的資訊 - http://redbullflugtag.hk/

作為活動的官方媒體夥伴,我們將會分享活動最新消息和公告。我們將 組織一支官方的alivenotdead.com隊伍!我們正在建立一支由AnD藝術家組成的隊伍,製作一架飛機,從而在活動上代表我們的社區。

我們需要 你的幫助來完成AnD飛機的設計。你要做的就是 發送草圖,畫出你所想的alivenotdead.com的Flugtag方案。我們會收集最好的方案,在 www.alivenotdead.com/redbull分享。

得票最高的將免費獲贈一對Puma送出的Red Bull限量版Puma Drift Cat II跑步鞋!(如果你的設計在10月10日贏盡風采,你有吹噓的權利!)


1) 下載這張圖片 (單擊右鍵,"另存"):2) 列印出來,畫出 你所想的AnD飛機的設計草圖。越有創意越好! (當然必須有AnD主題!)

3) 不要忘了給你的設計起名! 4) 掃描圖紙,以JPG格式電郵至 'events@alivenotdead.com'. 這個比賽對全世界各地的藝術家和用戶開放。你想發送多少張草圖都可以!


附注 - 不要擔心。鞋子男女尺寸均有! ;-)


alivenotdead.com很荣幸地宣佈我们是 Red Bull在亚洲首次的 FLUGTAG活动的媒体合作伙伴!香港将于2010年10月10日( 10/10/10!)举办Red Bull的自製飞机活动。将有超过40支队伍参加 -- 製作他们自己的飞机,并从6米高的平台起飞,由西九龙飞往维多利亚港。

来这裡查看更多关于香港这次 Flugtag活动的资讯 - http://redbullflugtag.hk/

作为活动的官方媒体伙伴,我们将会分享活动最新消息和公告。我们将 组织一支官方的alivenotdead.com队伍!我们正在建立一支由AnD艺术家组成的队伍,製作一架飞机,从而在活动上代表我们的社区。

我们需要 你的帮助来完成AnD飞机的设计。你要做的就是 发送草图,画出你所想的alivenotdead.com的Flugtag方桉。我们会收集最好的方桉,在 www.alivenotdead.com/redbull分享。

 得票最高的将免费获赠一对Puma送出的Red Bull限量版Puma Drift Cat II跑步鞋!(如果你的设计在10月10日赢尽风采,你有吹嘘的权利!)


1) 下载这张图片 (单击右键,"另存"):2) 列印出来,画出 你所想的AnD飞机的设计草图。越有创意越好! (当然必须有AnD主题!)

3) 不要忘了给你的设计起名! 4) 扫描图纸,以JPG格式电邮至 'events@alivenotdead.com'. 这个比赛对全世界各地的艺术家和用户开放。你想发送多少张草图都可以!


附注 - 不要担心。鞋子男女尺寸均有! ;-) |
alivenotdead.com is proud to announce that we are a media partner in Red Bull's first ever FLUGTAG event in Asia!  Hong Kong will host Red Bull's home made flying machine event on October 10th, 2010 ( 10/10/10!)    In total over 40 teams will be participating -- building their own airplanes and then launching them off a 6 meter platform at West Kowloon into Victoria Harbor.  

Go here for more info about Flugtag in HK - http://redbullflugtag.hk/

As an official media partner for the event we will be sharing the latest news and announcement about the event.  We'll also be FIELDING AN OFFICIAL alivenotdead.com team!   We're working on putting together a team of AnD artists to build a plane to represent our community at the event.

We'll also need YOUR help in coming up with our AnD plane's design. All you have to do is send in a sketch of what you think the alivenotdead.com Flugtag entry should look like.  We'll collect the best entries and share them on www.alivenotdead.com/redbull.   

The top vote earner will win a free pair of Red Bull limited edition Puma Drift Cat II Racing shoes from Puma!  (and bragging rights if your design makes it to the big show on October 10th!) 

Participating is easy:

1) Download this image (Right click here and 'Save as'):2) Print it out and sketch how YOU think the AnD team plane should be designed.  The more creative the better! (of course AnD theme is a must!

3) Don't forget to also give your design a name! 4) Scan the paper and email the picture in JPG format to 'events@alivenotdead.com'. This competition is open to artists and users from anywhere in the world.  You can send in as many sketches as you'd like!

Deadline for entry is August 5th but we'll start sharing sketches as of next week!  Don't wait, the sooner you send it in, the better your chance of winning!

ps - don't worry,  the shoes come in both Men's and Women's sizes! ;-)

14 年多 前 0 赞s  8 评论s  0 shares
45862083 0af2fd4d5d
i think we should make a giant AnD flame.
14 年多 ago
45862083 0af2fd4d5d
Flagday - female pilots are encouraged! :-D
14 年多 ago


Hi, I am Admin Bear and this is the alivenotdead.com company blog. hi,我是小編熊仔,這是 alivenotdead.com 公司的博客


Hong Kong
November 13, 2006