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'Takeover Ads' on alivenotdead.com

Dear alivenotdead.com users and friends, You may notice our homepage looks a bit different today! We've been experimenting with new ways of making alivenotdead.com into a sustainable company, both through event hosting, partnerships, social marketing and also online advertising.  We've had some success in all these fields which has helped us stay in business through the economic downturn the last year.   We always appreciate all the understanding and support from our users,  without you we would be out on the street! One thing we're experimenting is the 'Front Page Takeover'  you see above.  Its a new type of ad unit which has been gaining popularity with many top websites.  We hope this new approach is interesting and not disruptive to our existing user base. The first test for this new unit is the one you see above,  the Legend Fighting Championship, a new mixed martial arts promoter organizing an international MMA event in Hong Kong on January 11th, 2010.   Please check out their official site for more info -  www.legendfc.com We hope with your patience and support that we can continue to stay in business and improve our site to help artists and their fans.   Thanks in advance for your continued support! >-Admin Bear (aka the alivenotdead.com team!) |
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近來的其中一項嘗試是以上圖片中所見的'Front Page Takeover'  。這種新型廣告在不少受歡迎的網頁廣受歡迎。我們期待各用戶也對此感興趣,而並非感到厭惡。

首位登上front page版面的有the Legend Fighting Championship,一個將會在2010年1月11日於香港舉行國際MMA,促進武術的團體。請探訪他們的網頁以得到更多更新的消息-  www.legendfc.com 




-Admin Bear (aka the alivenotdead.com team!) |


为了令alivenotdead.com 能维持在一定的水平,我们一直在尝试不同的新方法如举办不同的活动,伙不同的团体合作,製作网上广告等等。在每项尝试,我们都获得到不同的成绩,面对上年度的环球经济下挫,仍能让业务维持过往的水平,这都有乃各界和各用户的体谅与支持。

近来的其中一项尝试是以上图片中所见的'Front Page Takeover'  。这种新型广告在不少受欢迎的网页广受欢迎。我们期待各用户也对此感兴趣,而并非感到厌恶。

首位登上front page版面的有the Legend Fighting Championship,一个将会在2010年1月11日于香港举行国际MMA,促进武术的团体。请探访他们的网页以得到更多更新的消息 - www.legendfc.com



-Admin Bear (aka the alivenotdead.com team!) |
Dear alivenotdead.com users and friends, You may notice our homepage looks a bit different today! We've been experimenting with new ways of making alivenotdead.com into a sustainable company, both through event hosting, partnerships, social marketing and also online advertising.  We've had some success in all these fields which has helped us stay in business through the economic downturn the last year.   We always appreciate all the understanding and support from our users,  without you we would be out on the street! One thing we're experimenting is the 'Front Page Takeover'  you see above.  Its a new type of ad unit which has been gaining popularity with many top websites.  We hope this new approach is interesting and not disruptive to our existing user base. The first test for this new unit is the one you see above,  the Legend Fighting Championship, a new mixed martial arts promoter organizing an international MMA event in Hong Kong on January 11th, 2010.   Please check out their official site for more info -  www.legendfc.com We hope with your patience and support that we can continue to stay in business and improve our site to help artists and their fans.   Thanks in advance for your continued support! >-Admin Bear (aka the alivenotdead.com team!)

大约 15 年 前 0 赞s  10 评论s  0 shares
45862083 0af2fd4d5d
its 4 to 1 in support! (and the 1 against is only because of the explicit male nudity...) :-D thanks everyone!
大约 15 年 ago


Hi, I am Admin Bear and this is the alivenotdead.com company blog. hi,我是小編熊仔,這是 alivenotdead.com 公司的博客


Hong Kong
November 13, 2006