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More from the archives

People seemed to enjoy the last posting of old alive stuff, so here's another one!

This is from Monday Magazine, also from 2006.  Please zoom in on the picture to see the larger version.

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Alive in East Touch Magazine(April 28, 2006)

Wow, its been a while since the alive page here on alivenotdead.com has been updated!  that's probably because 'alive' no longer exists as a separate entity (but of course the spirit lives on in everything alivenotdead.com does!)

But recently one of the team members was scanning some old press clippings and thought it'd be a good idea to share it here with everyone.  Here's one from East Touch Magazine v69 from 2006:

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接近 15 年 前 0 赞s  13 评论s  0 shares

Alive in Hawaii! | Alive在夏威夷! |

The Alive Boys are headed to Hawaii! 

The long awaited screening of The Heavenly Kings at Hawaii International Film Festival is near!  The boys (minus Terence who is still in China filming his new series) will be heading across the Pacific to Honolulu in preparation for the screening.  Here is the info from the Film Festival's Program:

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17 年多 前 0 赞s  14 评论s  0 shares

Update on Hawaii Contest and Film Festival | 夏威夷比賽和電影節的最新消息 | 夏威夷比赛和电影节的最新消息

Alive Fans:  We have a news update for you!  Two things:

1) Due to popular demand, the deadline has been extended for the Hawaii Contest to September 25th. 

The Contest's Grand Prize is a FREE trip to Hawaii to join Alive and the FTG cast at the Hawaii International Film Festival!  Second prize is autograp...Read more

17 年多 前 0 赞s  2 评论s  0 shares

hawaii - nine days left! | 去夏威夷-只剩9天!

Looks like we've finally got some details about Hawaii.  Remember, the drawing for the contest is on Thursday, September 20th!!  So that's only 9 more days!

The schedule of films will be:

    October 21 - Blood Brothers

    October 22 - The Heavenly Kings

    October 23 - Finishing the Game

So, the winner will fly to Hawaii and stay from October 21 through 24. 

More details about the festival here (ya, we know they don't mention BB or THK):

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17 年多 前 0 赞s  6 评论s  0 shares

[alive not dead] wants to take you to hawaii!

Video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4j84uNTdOUc

Contest Rules

*To be eligible to participate, user (and guest) must have proper passport and visa documents to travel to Honolulu, Hawaii, USA. [ALIVE NOT DEAD] is not responsible for assistance with travel visas. *Eligible Users can enter the contest by inviting friends to register on alivenotdead.com. Signing up for the contest receives one entry into our drawing. For each ...Read more

17 年多 前 0 赞s  8 评论s  0 shares

SFIFF50 Scoop du Jour, April 29 | 第50屆舊金山國際影展的采訪,4月29日

From an interview conducted during the SFIFF back in April.

"The second edition of the 50th San Francisco International Film Festival's (April 26-May 10) video Scoop du Jour, hosted by arts commentator Dorka Keehn, features the boy band Alive and The Heavenly Kings director Daniel Wu."

下面是我們 4月參加舊金山影展接受采訪的視頻。

“第 50屆舊金山國際影展( 4月 26日- 5 月10日)接受采訪的第二次剪輯版本。主持人Dorka Keehn采訪 Alive組合和《四大天王》導演吳彥祖”。 |

下面是我们 4月...Read more

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"The Heavenly Kings" to play at the Hawaii Int'l Film Festival 《四大天王》參加夏威夷國際電影節 | 《四大天王》参加夏威夷国际电影节

"The Heavenly Kings" was recently accepted into the Hawaii International Film Festival, which runs from October 18 - 28.

No other details yet, please check the official site for more news:



《四大天王》最近被夏威夷國際電影節( 10月 18-28日)列為參展影片。

暫時沒有其他信息,請到官網查看更多新聞:Read more

接近 18 年 前 0 赞s  18 评论s  0 shares

Daniel Interview in the SF Chronicle! 舊金山國際影展對Daniel報導並記入歷史! | 旧金山国际影展对Daniel报导并记入历史!

Check it out here ....  詳細報道… | 详细报道… http://www.sfgate.com/cgi-bin/article.cgi?f=/c/a/2007/04/25/DDGDMPE72A1.DTL

接近 18 年 前 0 赞s  8 评论s  0 shares

The 16 Statement Cards Of Our Final Performance|我們最後演出的16張字板

(1)    我地為未來擔心 


        (We are worried about our future)

(2)    導演300人 拍片30部


         (We have 300 directors, but only 30 films)

(3)     歌手咁多  樂隊咁少

          歌手这么多 乐队这么少

          (So many singers, where are the bands?)

(4)    音樂點止卡拉OK


          (Music is not just KTV)

(5)    製作質素高 至贏得觀眾

         制作质量高 才赢得观众

          ...Read more

接近 18 年 前 0 赞s  19 评论s  0 shares



english, cantonese, mandarin
Hong Kong
December 15, 2006