忘記了哪一年訪問, 該是95年, 當時, 他們一炮而紅, 94年至95年賣碟量驚人, 而且技術好。兩年一過, 有如人間蒸發, 提都無人提。到最近,Atlantic亦已約滿不續約。自立廠牌Sneaky Long繼續自力更生。桌面上,是他們參與一張Led Zeppelin的tribute唱片的的黑膠,有同行拿來簽名,(該是benny lai)。當時我問, "你們會不會以"The Wolf Brothers"的名義重組,或多搞一隊分支group?"
Mark Bryan等人哈哈哈大笑, 他說"The Wolf Brothers"是讀書時候組成的隊名,業餘的,未成氣候,不會重提了。
Roger Waters這晚的樂隊,都是勁人,值得說一下。
要看他這個tour的圖片, 可到成員Dave kilminster的網站 :
The tour line-up is not yet known but it is expected to be the same as 2006:Andy Fairweather-Low - Guitar
Snowy White - GuitarDave Kilminster - Guitar and VocalsGraham Broad - Drums
Jon Carin - Keyboards
Harry Waters - Hammond
Ian Ritchie - Saxophone
P.P. Arnold - Vocals
Katie Kissoon - Vocals
Carol Kenyo...Read more
50歲人, 仍然美艷, 把pink floyd的dark side of the moon重做一遍, 應該精彩。這夜以歷史上的女性為概念,甚是精彩,尤其是那滴為歌曲故事而流的淚。
攝於 藝穗會.
Hiromi Uehara 上原廣美在藝術節時, 來港表演。"Hiromi Sonicbloom - Time ControlThe new release by keyboardist Hiromi Uehara and her trio doesn't fit easily into jazz categories. Electric and high-propulsion at times, it aligns with aspects of fusion, but shouldn't be limited by what that term has been burdened with over the years. Hiromi's Sonicbloom is international in its membership, with a Japanese leader, a Slovakian drummer (Martin Valihora), and a British bas...Read more
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