Pre-order now to secure RAIN at $559, or get it later when the figure is ready at $629 with highly limited quantity~ ~PLACE ORDER NOW~Please Choose RAIN Shipping OptionUpgrade to EMS $579.00 USD Global AIR MAIL $559.00 USDRead more
Pre-order now to secure RAIN at $559, or get it later when the figure is ready at $629 with highly limited quantity~~ Pre-Order Closed, Thank you very much for All supporting ~Read more
Zoo, Keiko, ukim and kids 係 Fools Paradise 嘅成員, 而 Fools Paradise 係一間精神病院裡面其中一間病房, 呢間病房係專門照顧因工作壓力導置行為失常嘅精神病人, 而 Fools Paradise 亦係圍繞住呢間病房嘅病人嘅幻想行為去創作出來的, 而呢間病房嘅病人亦