DJ TIESTO live in HK ............... but raining ar !!
waaa photo under rain really look like snow ar !!
DJ TIESTO live in HK will be show on tomorrow !!! so 緊張 man !!!
Hope fun fun fun tomorrow la >.< and hope see you there !!!
yuen but - april 2008
i will go to Clown Workshop in HK form 25-28Mar2008
So i will update this blog after those time !! And i will share some of my feeling about the workshop in my group later on !! also other members will be sharing more art work there as well
takecare everyone :)
江山美人 a very complete story !!
But inside too many things make me start to think "i dont want to know"
is it a love story ?? War story ?? Historial story ?? or ???
the Movies can totally without LEON Lai !! His role is not relate the the war part ... even not relate the the kingdom part !! >>>> only love love and love .......... than die...
for this time i will give 5/10 points for 江山美人
if u have time go to see they war part........ if not ......... too many people die and without showing how ...Read more
Many people had seen the Pat lee live
but i think this is the only Panorama ....
不想要的東西也會不知不覺的接觸到 ... 自由 等於 自在 嗎 ?? 有時 思想 也會打架 !! 可是太自由 變得 不自在 ... 哈哈 還是夢一場吧 !! ... 可是我還沒辦法控制自己的夢 ... 只好控制自己的想吧 !! <<<<< 只是胡說八道 哈哈 !!
Topic idea from 美杉 >>>> 看看 !!
吹咩-梁氏娘是-梁二 突襲 alive not dead 你當我什麼,我便是什麼。 我的手也因你哭了>>>因為我愛你但也怕你,因此手心全是汗!! 瘋人日誌,關我乜事。