躺著也中箭之做運動發洩下先。 My first pull-up ever! ? Stay positive!
When your phone dies, and you happen to get an upgrade. ❤ 因為電話壞了,貼心的 Max @chengsaiho 知我鐘意自拍,幫我 arrange 一部影相超級靚的新電話!@sugarphonehk 的 F11! Thanks bro @alubee !
My work today: ambassador for the #獅子會百年慶全港學生三人籃球比賽
她叫肥妹。一直做訪問她都在我腳邊,很乖乖的待著。愛上了她。? One of the sweetest dogs ever. She was under the table, right beside my feet the entire time during filming! ?
Sunday fun day!
Don't give up. Your miracles are on the way. ??
呢一對唔係普通的 #AirForce1 。係我好朋友 @william_kickzlab 好有愛地幫我刻左名的。? I love this new pair of sneaks with my name lasered on it! The best way to tell a friend, I'm thinking of you! ❤? #ExtensivePublicity #KickzLab #Soleflyhk #sneakersforsale #sneakercon #ilovethisgame #thisiswhyweplay @ Warrior Academy
Morning routine: Having a teaspoon of NZ Manuka Honey. Remember peeps, only umf honey is medicinal! After about two weeks of that, I've noticed that my morning allergies are all gone! ? 每日早上我都會食一湯匙 NZ Manuka 蜜糖。記住有umf標籤才是真正藥用蜂蜜,又好味,又可以對抗我D鼻敏感,正! #purenzmanuka Pure NZ Manuka
Wonder 偉琪 正式宣布,有點掛住三位男臣。 And that concludes the series. ?? Miss it already!
So.......after the #maymac fight, now what? Whats my purpose in life? ? 睇完世紀之戰,人生好像失去方向 ?
Miss Chinese Vancouver 2011-2012 First Runner up, Miss Photogenic, Miss Elegant Model. UBC BA holder. 溫哥華華裔小姐競選 2011亞軍、最上鏡小姐及 最優雅模特得獎者。卑詩省大學政治、哲學系畢業生。