Official Artist
Van Ness Wu
Actor , Director , Singer
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BOOGIE #MV #Premiere #tonight #8PM

小編V公告: BOOGIE 官方MV 今天 20:00PM 首播,環球華語Youtube Channel 20:00 pm準時首播。 https://www.youtube.com/user/universaltwn


BOOGIE Official MV Premiere TONIGHT 20:00PM GMT on Universal Taiwan Youtube Channel: https://www.youtube.com/user/universaltwn

over 7 years ago 950 likes  0 comment  30 shares

BOOGIE #MV #Premiere #11月17日 #24hoursleft

小編V公告: BOOGIE官方MV 明天 20:00pm 首播 ,就是明天

Admin: BOOGIE Official MV Premiere TOMORROW @20:00pm GMT ,only 24 HOURS LEFT

over 7 years ago 1222 likes  0 comment  31 shares


over 7 years ago 7680 likes  0 comment  34 shares

@MAEJOR amen

over 7 years ago 0 likes  0 comment  0 shares

Thank you jaguar and congratulations Mr. Callum on a wonderful design!

over 7 years ago 2074 likes  0 comment  9 shares

BOOGIE #MV #Premiere #11月17日

小編V公告: BOOGIE 官方 MV 11/17 20:00pm 首播,還有 3天

Admin: BOOGIE Official MV Premiere at 20:00 on 17th Nov,3 DAYS LEFT

over 7 years ago 1801 likes  0 comment  34 shares

BOOGIE #Premiere #Staytune #repost #news

小編V新聞: 來幫大家整理 #蒙面舞王 的新聞曝光,不要忘記明天 #BOOGIE MV大首播,本週五11/18 開始預購

Admin: Itemize the news exposure,don't forget #BOOGIE premiere Hit FM聯播網 and upcoming album available for pre-orders on Friday, 18th Nov
蘋果日報: https://goo.gl/JTy0B1

自由時報 https://goo.gl/JzkAr9 https://goo.gl/T4UPSe

中時電子報 https...Read more

over 7 years ago 2125 likes  0 comment  39 shares

BOOGIE #Premiere #Staytune #repost

小編V公告: 本週11/16-11/18 吳建豪 Van Ness Wu 全新單曲 #BOGGIE 將於 Hit FM聯播網全球大首播,也包含MusicRadio音樂之聲、CityFM城市之音、馬來西亞MY FM、新加坡 U FM、舊金山星島中文電台、加拿大中文電台,要記得收聽唷。記得把訊息轉分享唷~

HIT FM首播時間如下: 11/16 10am、2pm、6pm、11pm 11/17 6am、12pm、5pm、10pm 11/18 3am、9am、3pm、8pm

Admin: Van Ness has a new song on the way and it's called #BOOGIE will be world premiered 16th Nov-18th Nov on HIT FM、Music Radio、City FM、Singapore UFM100.3、Sing Tao Chinese Radio AM1400、Fairchild Radio.

Here is the detailed time premiere on Hit FM聯播網 16th Nov 10a...Read more

over 7 years ago 1564 likes  0 comment  23 shares

See y'all there https://t.co/CI6XaDLRVc

over 7 years ago 58 likes  0 comment  12 shares

Gonna miss you guys ?

over 7 years ago 7385 likes  0 comment  35 shares



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August 24, 2007