not having a very good day #sad
Thanks @kathyktr we have a cat enclosure that we used to lock them in - but were 'told' that it was safe to leave them out overnight
I'm cleaning up my twitter using Has anyone tried this? Seems useful!
@kathyktr or agile enough to jump over the bars
@kathyktr we think a possum or a very large cat - but are not certain - it had to be small enough to get through the bars
@WhereisMaps but you cant go as off-road - and like a turtle you take your home with you where ever you go ;) i.e picking up milk
@kathyktr 2 are wounded - one a minor wound we are confident he will be ok, one is badly wounded and we are caring for him now and hopeful
Heard a noise on the fence an owl came to visit me
@malice2013 I will be. I am sitting in the yard in the middle of winter with the ducks now
@malice2013 thanks, we don't think we can save one duck, not sure what got in their pen :(
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