@Cacotopos LOL - I think thats about the only way that movie would be any good - I am getting appalled at the quality of the movies lately.
@Warraboy @abclandline I figure that (at a small scale - 40 acres) - I have to do niche crops / livestock / products - as I cant compete
@Warraboy @abclandline no worries - I am approaching farming from a technological angle (as that is my background - technology)
@Warraboy @abclandline Cool - Good luck with that I am hoping to start farming (hobby level) - in about 18 months - doing my research now
hi @Cacotopos #prometheus was really bad and I regret watching it - its an embarrassment to the #aliens franchise
@Warraboy @abclandline What are you planting ?
RT @DailyLifeData: If you realized how powerful your thoughts are, you would never think a negative thought.
@mpesce I am this far in - and it only has 15 mins to go - so I might as well watch it to the end now
@mpesce watching
RT @mmalone26: For billing, security and tracking data, @iiNet is required to carry your meta data for about five minutes. Tops. Fuck you S…
hi there - See my adventures as we prepare to move to a farm www.peepel.com or visit my Aerospace blog blog.esri.com.au