Check out the Trailer (Dreams) I'm in. The story set in the future and has a somewhat Manga style but live action.
Animal (Short Film) is directed by young talented director Ross Peacock (Cosmicmutt Pictures). I played Diesel in the film.
Here is the Hummingbird Movie Trailer. The movie is out on the 17th May 2013 in the UK.
I played a character called Tony in the movie.
Movie trailer for 'The Lost Emperor' directed by by John Watts and Thomas Woods (JTA Media) . I played Prince Hao who later becomes The Lost Emperor.
Video: You can find more info for 'The Lost Emperor' on website below:
Hourglass Sea - 'L.A Lights' (MV) released. Here's the MV:
Video: I played a (modern) wounded Samurai Warrior. Enjoy :)
The MV is directed by upcoming director Jack King. You can view other works/projects by him:
Finally (after 10 months) the BBC's Planet of the Apemen: Battle for Earth (aka Hominid Erectus) is air (next week) on Thursday 23th June 2011, BBC1, 8:00PM. In this pre-historic docu-drama, I played Heku, leader of the Hominid Erectus.
Hi Everyone, My name is Sang Lui, just joined, so welcome to my profile page. I'm still busy filling in all the necessary requirements, and figuring out how to do other things. E.g upload videos, photos, etc.
Anyway, welcome to my profile page.
Here are some pictures and videos of my work.
Video: Video: Read more
Hummingbird - out on 17th May 2013. I played a character called Tony. Planet of the Apemen: Battle for Earth (Erectus). BBC1, 8:00PM, 23/6/11. I played Heku,