JFung Remix
DJ , Music Producer , Graphic Designer , Photographer
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今日週末衣櫥表演單位陣容強大! 歡迎各位朋友黎睇野?野買野影野之餘 19:30 我會係度同大家團年Party下Chill下!

週末衣櫥第十一回之年宵篇 Portand180+ x @weekend.wardrobe

DATE: 5-7FEB TIME: 3PM-9PM(5-6FEB) 3PM-2AM(7FEB) VENUE: Portland 180+, 180 Portland Street, Mong Kok, Kowloon

旺角砵蘭街180號Portland 180+ 商場

over 8 years ago 397 likes  0 comment  0 shares

The Future Ravers / Party Animals! 再次感謝樂道中學一班同學,你地將會成為未來嘅派對動物! Music : < Nothing's Gonna Stop Me > HeartGrey & JFung Feat. CircleGuitar

@hitamusic @inwarmusic @jfungremix @heartgrey @circleguitar

HandsInTheAir #PutYourHandsUp #Jump #Rave #HITA #InWarMusic #DreamBig #DreamBigSchoolTour #樂道中學 #LTSS #Party #PartyAnimals #Ravers #NGSM #NothingsGonnaStopMe #EDM

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over 8 years ago 425 likes  0 comment  0 shares

It's my 2nd Dream Big School Tour Show and this is even crazier than last time! Thank you everybody for your hands & screams! 第二次Dream Big學校巡迴表演,比上次更瘋狂更投入!多謝每一位舉高手不停跳不停叫嘅所有同學仔! @inwarmusic @hitamusic @jfungremix

HITA #InWarMusic #DreamBigSchoolTour #DreamBig #SchoolTour #Show #DJ #Producer #JFung #JFungRemix #EDM #ElectronicDanceMusic #Student #Higher #Rave #Jump #PutYourHandsUp #HandsInTheAir #hkig #樂道中學

over 8 years ago 455 likes  0 comment  0 shares

【 識逗一定係逗電子利是… https://t.co/LcsWMrXBfk

over 8 years ago 0 likes  0 comment  0 shares

【 識逗一定係逗電子利是 】

因咩事我眼金金咁玩手機? 因為裝TNG呢個App就有$18利是! 轉帳俾朋友都有$2利是架! 不如轉晒俾我啦! 去片:https://youtu.be/mkJNDWvTJY0 直接下載:http://fb.tng.asia/

TNG #香港人的電子錢包

JFung #JFungRemix #新年 #利是

Dimbotv #HKYouTuber #YouTuber

over 8 years ago 283 likes  0 comment  0 shares

Gordon返左黎咁耐終於食到餐飯! 仲有認識到小白!多謝你幫我加Follower! 浩嵐成日見唔洗講啦!

HKYouTuber #YouTuber #Dimbotv

@dimbotv #JFung #JFungRemix

over 8 years ago 434 likes  0 comment  0 shares

HITA x InWarMusic DreamBig SchoolTour

聽日又有得玩School Tour喇! 地點係:沙田大圍樂道中學! 有無樂道同學仔揮揮手?聽朝見啦! 同場仲有Jason同Nowhere Boys添! @jfungremix @cheunghongyau @nowhereboyshk

HITA #InWarMusic #DreamBig #SchoolTour

JFung #JFungRemix #DJ #Producer #music #EDM #musician #performance #show #poster #local #indiemusic

over 8 years ago 323 likes  0 comment  0 shares

年宵景點之一:黑面腦細 林日曦 linrixi 有人拍我問「呢個邊個黎,咁多人影相嘅?」 我話「林日曦囉,你唔係唔認得呀?」 佢「哦⋯⋯」然後跟隊等影相⋯⋯ BTW,… https://t.co/72qukRmSwY

over 8 years ago 0 likes  0 comment  0 shares

年宵景點之一:黑面腦細 林日曦 @linrixi 有人拍我問「呢個邊個黎,咁多人影相嘅?」 我話「林日曦囉,你唔係唔認得呀?」 佢「哦⋯⋯」然後跟隊等影相⋯⋯ BTW, 我真係好想Remix你架腦細!

100毛 #年宵 #林日曦 #黑面 #腦細 #毛記電視 #西毛記 #黑紙 #100most #JFung #JFungRemix

over 8 years ago 604 likes  0 comment  0 shares

今晚 7點鐘 TVB PEARL明珠台 【 藝坊 [港台] The Works [RTHK] 】 有JFung Remix @ Alonekenfap 嘅訪問! 錯過左都可以上RTHK港台網站睇返架!

JFung #JFungRemix #Alonekenfap

RTHK #TheWorks #藝坊 #香港電台

TVB #TVBPearl #明珠台 #訪問 #Interview

over 8 years ago 342 likes  0 comment  0 shares


DJ / Producer / +852 Hong Kong / EDM / Remix / @JFungRemix / #JFungRemix

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Location (City, Country)
Hong Kong
Member Since
November 8, 2008
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