JFung Remix
DJ, 音乐监製, 平面设计师, 摄影师
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The Hardstyle Master - HEADHUNTERZ!! His live set at Bungalow was crazy!! Won't Stop Rocking Live Your Life!! @headhunterz @spinninsessions @djrevolutionhk @bungalow_hk @spinninrecords

Headhunterz #DJ #Producer #EDM #ElectronicDanceMusic #Hardstyle #SpinninRecords #SpinninSessions #bungalow #DJrevolutionHK #hkig

8 年多 前 367 赞s  暂无评论  0 shares

Selfie time with REDONDO at Spinnin' Sessions! Love you guys with house music! @redondomusic @spinninsessions @bungalow_hk

Redondo #DJ #Producer #DeepHouse #DJRevolution #DJrevolutionHK #SpinninDeep #SpinninRecords #SpinninSessions #Selfie #JFung #JFungRemix #bungalow #clubbing #nightlife

8 年多 前 303 赞s  暂无评论  1 share

Spinnin Sessions Tonight! See you guys at Bungalow! @spinninsessions @redondomusic @headhunterz @djrevolutionhk

DJ #Producer #SpinninSessions #SpinninRecords #Redondo #Headhunterz #EDM #ElectronicDanceMusic #hkig #DJRevolution #DJrevolutionHK

8 年多 前 246 赞s  暂无评论  0 shares

Wow! I'm DJ RILAKKUMA! Haha! I play EDM to make you relax! YEAH! @jfungremix

DJ #party #Producer #Rilakkuma #鬆弛熊 #Rave #Relax #EDM #ElectronicDanceMusic #JFung #JFungRemix

8 年多 前 391 赞s  暂无评论  0 shares

HUGE venue for CK Annual Party!! I'm ready to DJ in this big gig!! @jfungremix

CK #CalvinKlein #AnnualParty #AnnualDinner #Intercontinental #HongKong #hkig #JFung #JFungRemix #DJ #Producer #Selfie

8 年多 前 368 赞s  暂无评论  0 shares

Spinning for Calvin Klein Annual Dinner 2016 tonigh @ InterContinental Hong Kong https://t.co/dwZLh9xbtt

8 年多 前 0 赞s  暂无评论  0 shares

Spinning for Calvin Klein Annual Party 2016 tonight at Intercontinental Hong Kong!! @jfungremix

CK #CalvinKlein #AnnualDinner #party #20160308 #DJ #Producer #EDM #ElectronicDanceMusic #Music #JFung #JFungRemix

8 年多 前 346 赞s  暂无评论  0 shares

I liked a @YouTube video https://t.co/rZSLLL12os 【放工ICU】Tom Clancy's The Division (Live Action)

8 年多 前 0 赞s  暂无评论  0 shares

【 JFung Sunday EDM | 周日電音推介 】

Vol.17《 I Got To Do - Nora En Pure & Redondo 》 MV : http://youtu.be/meJSszBwLX8

今個星期嘅JFung Sunday EDM想推薦一首好聽又舒服嘅House Music: "I Got To Do",由兩個House Music重量級單位Nora En Pure同Redondo聯手製作!

呢首歌絕對係舒服Chill住聽之選,聽住未必會係想跳舞,但係首歌嘅鋼琴結他配搭Arrangement係會令人聽完覺得Feeling Good!

Nora En Pure係一個1990年南非出世嘅女DJ/Producer,自從上年聽過佢首"Saltwater (2015 Rework)"之後就有留意佢其他嘅作品,鍾意House/Deep House音樂嘅朋友會啱聽!

至於Redondo,來自荷蘭嘅雙人DJ/Producer組合,成員分別係Freek Geuze同Johan ...Read more  观看视频

8 年多 前 265 赞s  暂无评论  0 shares

Bromance!! 大學時期同而家嘅兄弟 Kit Li x J Yu x JFung @clubprimohk

clubprimo #dj #Producer #LKF #party #bromance #brotherhood #bff #bestfriends #JFung #JFungRemix

8 年多 前 343 赞s  暂无评论  0 shares


DJ / Producer / +852 Hong Kong / EDM / Remix / @JFungRemix / #JFungRemix


Hong Kong
November 8, 2008