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john flynn
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life after hongkong


its been a while since i wrote anything here, and i dont have much to do right now so here goes.

well, as many of you may know,im not in hk anymore. i retreated inland to beijing to get some weather beaten cheek bones and frostbite finger tips for the winter!

im currently spinning at richy (formely babyface) beijing, west gate of workers stadium sanlitun as a resident from tuesday to saturday. on a weekly basis..

basically, hk was getting a bit quiet work wise, and not having that sacred id card...Read more

over 16 years ago 0 likes  1 comments  0 shares



a friend of mine who is currently researching dj culture found this online and sent it to me,, and i just wanted to post it here as i think alot of people suffer from the same stereotypical views of people in our profession, so have a read, and hopefully it will enlighten you ...

DJs: Common misconceptions

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over 16 years ago 0 likes  1 comments  0 shares

dj bravo heads home!

i just wanted to say a big farewell to ma boy dj bravo. who is leaving hongkong tonight, bound for his home town, newyork!

to those of you who know him, he needs no introduction. to those of you who dont, dj bravo has been hk's most wanted dj in club land (lan kwai fong) for many months now!

he has held down regular slots at halo, volar, cliq, sugar, PI ! and a few others along the way!

definatley one of the most solid party rockers ive ever had the pleasure to work with!

and we all gonna gonna miss hi...Read more

over 16 years ago 0 likes  2 comments  0 shares

who is DJ J-Cue ?

whats up folks!

DJ J-Cue at your service.

i going to briefly introduce myself here and tell y'all a little about what ive been up to on my party rockin travels in asia.

i started learning to dj around 12 odd years ago in london. it began with watching friends who were djs doing their thing in clubs, and i decided it was the thing for me!

i had been spinning in london for around 8 years plus, at various venues in the city. ministry of sound, hanover grand,sound,glasshouse,emporium etc etc...

my sty...Read more

over 16 years ago 0 likes  0 comment  0 shares


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english, mandarin
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Hong Kong
Member Since
July 8, 2008