HKPA Introductory Workshop 18 April 2010
飛躍道 Parkour 認知工作坊 2010年4月18日
The HKPA will hold the up coming Parkour Introductory Workshop on 18 April 2010 to promote the development of parkour, and to share the correct understanding and healthy attitudes towards parkour. We welcome all applicants aged 12 or above...Read more
於2009年12月香港飛躍道協會接受了新城電台 知訊台, 越學越強電台節目之訪問。內容包括Parkour的歷史,處事態度及一些Parkour的資料。如果對Parkour有興趣的話,不容錯過!!The HKPA did an interview with the Metro Radio. It touches on the history of parkour, the correct attitude and also information about parkour. Don't miss it if you are interested in parkour!
(the interview in conducted in Cantonese)
於2009年12月香港飛躍道協會接受了新城電台 知訊台, 越學越強電台節目之訪問。內容包括Parkour的歷史,處事態度及一些Parkour的資料。如果對Parkour有興趣的話,不容錯過!!The HKPA did an interview with the Metro Radio. It touches on the history of parkour, the correct attitude and also information about parkour. Don't miss it if you are interested in parkour!
(the interview in conducted in Cantonese)
4月份練習時間表/ The April Urban Parkour Training (UPT) schedule
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