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37th HKIFF to open with IP MAN – THE FINAL FIGHT|《葉問 - 終極一戰》將為第37屆香港國際電影節開幕|《叶问 - 终极一战》将为第37届香港国际电影节开幕

37 th HKIFF to open with IP MAN – THE FINAL FIGHT

Premieres and new privilege scheme announced at star-lit press conference


21 February 2013 (Hong Kong) ― The Hong Kong International Film Festival Society (HKIFFS) revealed today the Opening Film of the 37 th Hong Kong International Film Festival (HKIFF),

, the latest actioner from local cult icon and veteran director Herman YAU, starring Anthony WONG, Eric TSANG, Gillian CHUNG, Anita YUEN, Jordan CHAN and Marvel CHOW. This unique biopic of the oft-filmed Wing Chun master in his later life will kick off the 37 th HKIFF at Hong Kong Convention and Exhibition Centre on 17 March 2013 with its world premiere, while the festival will last for 17 days and close on 2 April 2013 at Hong Kong Cultural Centre with the Asian premiere of , winner of the Silver Bear for Best Script at the recently concluded Berlin Film Festival, co-helmed by Iranian filmmakers Jafar PANAHI and Kamboziya PARTOVI.


The highly anticipated announcement was made at a press conference at the 37 th HKIFF Official Hotel, Sheraton Hong Kong Hotel and Towers, attended by HKIFF Ambassador Miriam YEUNG, Filmmaker in Focus Andrew LAU, as well as

’s director Herman YAU, producerCheckley SIN and leading man Anthony WONG. Co-presented by National Arts Films Production Ltd and Emperor Motion Pictures, the film follows an aging and near-penniless Ip Man who arrives in 1950s Hong Kong to teach martial arts to the working class. It effortlessly connects with the local audience with its backdrop of water rationing, labor strikes and police corruption, and loses none of the riveting action and emotional power of previous portrayals of the kung fu legend.


Closing Film

is Jafar PANAHI’s follow-up to last year’s universally praised

(36 th HKIFF), despite a 20-year filmmaking ban in his native Iran. Mirroring Panahi’s own house arrest, the two protagonists – a screenwriter keeping a dog that Islamic law deems to be unclean, and a young woman on the run after getting caught in an illicit party in the beach – hide in a villa on the Caspian Sea. Fiction blurs with reality as the director enters the scene and the curtains are pulled open.


With over 300 titles from 68 countries and regions, the lineup is as eclectic as ever, boasting 56 world, international and Asian premieres. “In recent years, Hong Kong has seen a proliferation of film festivals with distinct themes and styles, offering audiences countless choices beyond mainstream productions,” said Wilfred WONG, SBS, JP, Chairman of the HKIFFS. “Indeed we love cinema for its very diversity, and as one of the most established and largest film festivals in Asia, the HKIFF has dedicated itself to presenting quality works from all over the world, while drawing luminaries and young talents from the industry to engage with the public through seminars, exhibitions, parties, and much more.”


The energy and creativity of Chinese cinema will be on full display as a variety of Chinese productions are set to premiere at the HKIFF. These include Ronny YU’s star-studded period piece

, with Adam CHENG, Ekin CHENG, WU Chun, Raymond LAM and Vic ZHOU (world premiere); Taiwanese American Arvin CHEN’s light-hearted gay dramedy

, set in a colourful Taipei and starring Richie JEN and Mavis FAN (Asian premiere); and Johnnie TO’s chilling thriller

, where Hong Kong’s heartthrob Louis KOO and China’s beloved veteran XUN Honglei are locked in a life-or-death cat-and-mouse game (local premiere).


Up-and-coming local directors will receive equal attention – Adam WONG ( ,

)’s is an uplifting tale about aspiring street dancers and the power of youth, while Kiwi CHOW’s feature debut

portrays a mainland student trying to make sense of love and the world, as she becomes a surrogate mother for money. Both films will have their world premiere at the festival.


The HKIFF showcases foreign-language films beyond mainstream cinema every year, with the aim to broaden the horizons of the local audience. “The Passions of Latin American Cinema” and “Swedish Sextet”, two special sections in the programme this year, features fourteen new films in total, offering moviegoers a valuable look at the cinema and social life in other parts of the world. In particular Mikael MARCIMAIN’s directorial debut , winner of the FIPRESCI prize at the 2012 Toronto Film Festival, stunningly captures the look and atmosphere of Sweden’s decadent 1970s, recounting the true story of a pair of 14-year-olds recruited by a well-connected madame, whose clients include some of the most powerful political figures.


Last year, micro-movie omnibus

– an unprecedented joint effort between the HKIFFS and China’s major internet TV company Youku – toured at over 20 film festivals, from Cannes and Busan to Toronto and Shanghai. By the end of 2012 it had attracted over 16 million views on Youku among internet users in China. Building on this massive success, the festival is collaborating with Youku again to produce

, composed of four shorts directed by Hong Kong’s Mabel CHEUNG, Taiwan’s WU Nian-Jen, China’s LU Le, and Japan’s KUROSAWA Kiyoshi. The directors will attend the world premiere on 20 March to meet the audience.


To reach out to local communities, and with the sponsorship of Hsin Chong Construction Group Limited, the HKIFFS will organise free and public screenings of South Korea’s recent box office hit

, as well as Hong Kong’s 1976 classic comedy , targeted at secondary school students during the festival. In addition HKIFFS is also organising free post-festival screenings in April targeted at college-level students. “We welcome all full-time college-level students to register for these screenings,” said Roger GARCIA, Executive Director of the HKIFFS. “Film appreciation shouldn’t be something reserved only for a privileged few, and we look forward to having more outreach programmes and events in the near future.”


Another exciting new initiative of the Society is HKIFF Cine Fan, to be launched in April 2013 shortly after the festival closes. Based at the agnès b. CINEMA at Hong Kong Arts Centre, the monthly repertory programme will serve up a range of contemporary, retrospective and thematic showcases, including national cinemas, local independent films, tributes to masters, digitally restored classics, and genre films. Local and overseas filmmakers and critics will be invited regularly to attend meet-the-audience sessions, conduct seminars, and join panel discussions to facilitate cultural exchange across borders.


An ancillary privilege scheme was also announced at the press conference – cineastes who join will enjoy ticket discounts for Cine Fan, the annual HKIFF, the Summer International Film Festival (Summer IFF), and other associated programmes. Awarded with a giant privilege card and delighted to hear about the new year-round Cine Fan programmes, ambassador Miriam YEUNG said, “I have always been an avid fan because the HKIFFS brings us diverse programmes that pack laughs, thrills, pathos and artistic aspirations all in one. I hope film buffs will join me in continuing to support their meaningful events.”


A full list of the 37 th HKIFF selections is available at

www.hkiff.org.hk. Tickets for the public can be booked by post or online at

www.hkiff.org.hk from 23 February, and at all URBTIX outlets from 7 March. | 2013年2月21日(香港) ── 第37屆香港國際電影節開幕電影今天揭曉,主辦機構香港國際電影節協會公布,由資深導演邱禮濤執導,黃秋生、曾志偉、鍾欣桐、袁詠儀、陳小春及周定宇主演 的《葉問──終極一戰》,將於今年3月17日為電影節揭開序幕,於香港會議展覽中心作世界首映。電影節為期17日,4月2日閉幕當天,將帶來伊朗導演約化 巴納希(Jafar Panahi)與金波塞亞柏托維(Kamboziya
Partovi)合導的《電影關不住》(榮獲今年柏林影展最佳劇本銀熊獎),於香港文化中心作亞洲首映。「第37屆香港國際電影節記者招待會」今天假大會指定酒店香港喜來登酒店舉行,電影節大使楊千嬅、今屆焦點影人劉偉強,以及《葉問──終極一戰》導 演邱禮濤、監製冼國林及男主角黃秋生聯袂出席。葉問的傳奇故事多次搬上銀幕,但由國藝影視、英皇電影聯合出品的《葉問──終極一戰》自成一格,講述五十年 代葉問隻身來到香港,教授功夫維生,走過制水、工會暴亂和警察貪腐的日子,既富濃厚的本土色彩,復有精彩傳神的武打場面,勢必引起香港觀眾共鳴。閉幕電影《電影關不住》是約化巴納希繼去年廣受好評的《這不是電影》(第36屆香港國際電影節選映)之後,被伊朗政府軟禁下拍成的又一力作。男主角 養了一條伊斯蘭律法視為不乾淨的狗,女主角去了非法的沙灘舞會,一男一女就這樣躲進了郊外小屋,直到導演本人走了進來。政治迫害反而催生無窮創意,巴納希 從容遊走在現實與虛構之間,對電影和自由的堅持令人起敬。本屆電影節節目包羅萬有,選映了來自68個國家和地區、超過300部電影,當中56部屬於世界、國際及亞洲首映。香港國際電影節協會主席王英偉太平 紳士表示:「近年本地的電影節越來越多,主題和風格各有特色,觀眾在主流電影以外多了不少選擇。電影本是多元化的文化藝術,而作為亞洲區內歷史最悠久、規 模最大的電影節之一,香港國際電影節一直為影迷搜羅世界各地的佳作,並雲集台前幕後的業界精英,讓觀眾與電影人直接對話、參與專題展覽、慶祝派對和其他活 動。」今年多部華語片將於電影節隆重首映,見證了中港台三地電影人的蓬勃生機和創意。當中包括于仁泰執導的古裝巨製《忠烈楊家將》,由鄭少秋、鄭伊健、吳 尊、林峰及周渝民主演(世界首映);台灣美藉導演陳駿霖的輕喜劇《明天記得愛上我》,由任賢齊、范曉萱及五月天團員石頭主演,探索男同志中年出櫃的心路歷 程(亞洲首映);以及大導演杜琪峯的警匪片《毒戰》,由古天樂及內地紅星孫紅雷主演(本地首映)。本地新晉導演同樣狀態大勇,黃修平(《當碧咸遇上奧雲》、《魔術男》導演)以低成本拍出高水準新作《狂舞派》,在街頭挑選滿腔熱血的舞癡試鏡,更找 來黃貫中助陣,譜出正能量十足的青春夢想。周冠威首部長片《一個複雜故事》則改編自才女亦舒的同名小說,由張學友、車沅沅及盧海鵬主演,講述港漂女生秘密 租借子宮給富太做代母,後果出乎意料,人生和愛情定義從此改變。兩部作品將於電影節作世界首映,展現香港影壇新生代的實力。

電影節每年均精選大量外語電影,擴闊觀眾的文化視野。今年「拉美風情」和「瑞典六重奏」兩個特別單元一共搜羅十四部作品,讓影迷窺探世上不同角落的電影生 態和社會風貌。其中米奇麥西文(Mikael Marcimain) 的首作《應召女孩》曾於2012年多倫多電影節贏獲國際影評人獎,靈感來自70年代真人真事,瑞典高官、政客涉嫌嫖上雛妓,駭人聽聞。電影風格穿越偵探、 驚慄、青春片多種類型,幕幕扣人心弦。去年大會與中國熱門視頻網站優酷合作,出品微電影雜錦《美好2012》,先後入選康城、釜山、上海、多倫多等20個電影節,同時上載至優酷供內地網 民觀賞,截至去年年底已累積超過1,600萬瀏覽人次。今年香港國際電影節與優酷再度合作,製作《美好2013》,由四部短片組成。導演陣容強盛,包括香 港的張婉婷、台灣的吳念真、中國的呂樂,以及日本的黒沢清。四位導演將於3月20日的首映禮露面,跟觀眾交流。此外,大會得到新昌營造集團的贊助,在電影節期間特別放映一場南韓人氣新片《狼少年之戀》和香港經典喜劇《半斤八両》,專為中學生而設,公眾人士亦 可免費入場;電影節結束後更會舉辦兩場專為大專學生而設的免費放映,力求將電影藝術推廣至不同社群。香港國際電影節協會總監高思雅表示:「我們歡迎香港所 有大專院校的全日制學生報名參加。電影本來就是屬於大眾的文化和娛樂,協會今後將積極接觸不同層面的本地社群,透過各式各樣的節目和活動宣揚電影文化。」同時,大會宣布全新節目「電影節Cine Fan」將隨著第37屆香港國際電影節結束,緊接在4月初面世,

以香港藝術中心agnès b.電影院為基地,定期為觀眾送上主流電影以外的精選佳作,透過每月不同的回顧和專題展,搜羅大師名作、修復經典、香港獨立電影,以及各類型的電影。本地 及海外的電影人和影評人將出席放映,跟觀眾會面,並參與公開講座和論壇,促進國際文化交流。為配合「電影節Cine Fan」誕生,大會推出優惠計劃,為成功申請的會員提供Cine Fan節目、香港國際電影節、夏日國際電影節及其他夥伴節目的票價優惠。在記者會上獲頒發巨型會員卡的電影節大使楊千嬅表示:「一直以來都會捧電影節的 場,無他,因為節目多元化,讓你盡情去笑、去哭、去思考,不像平日很多票房主導的作品,讓人看得麻木。希望影迷能跟我一起繼續支持電影節的所有活動!」有關第37屆香港國際電影節節目詳情,可瀏覽官方網站 www.hkiff.org.hk。門票將於2月23日起公開發售,公眾可透過網上( www.hkiff.org.hk)及郵購訂票,亦可於3月7日起在各大城市電腦售票網購票。  | 2013年2月21日(香港) ── 第37届香港国际电影节开幕电影今天揭晓,主办机构香港国际电影节协会公布,由资深导演邱礼涛执导,黄秋生、曾志伟、锺欣桐、袁咏仪、陈小春及周定宇主演 的《叶问──终极一战》,将于今年3月17日为电影节揭开序幕,于香港会议展览中心作世界首映。电影节为期17日,4月2日闭幕当天,将带来伊朗导演约化 巴纳希(Jafar Panahi)与金波塞亚柏托维(Kamboziya Partovi)合导的《电影关不住》(荣获今年柏林影展最佳剧本银熊奖),于香港文化中心作亚洲首映。「第37届香港国际电影节记者招待会」今天假大会指定酒店香港喜来登酒店举行,电影节大使杨千嬅、今届焦点影人刘伟强,以及《叶问──终极一战》导 演邱礼涛、监製冼国林及男主角黄秋生联袂出席。叶问的传奇故事多次搬上银幕,但由国艺影视、英皇电影联合出品的《叶问──终极一战》自成一格,讲述五十年 代叶问隻身来到香港,教授功夫维生,走过制水、工会暴乱和警察贪腐的日子,既富浓厚的本土色彩,复有精彩传神的武打场面,势必引起香港观众共鸣。闭幕电影《电影关不住》是约化巴纳希继去年广受好评的《这不是电影》(第36届香港国际电影节选映)之后,被伊朗政府软禁下拍成的又一力作。男主角 养了一条伊斯兰律法视为不乾淨的狗,女主角去了非法的沙滩舞会,一男一女就这样躲进了郊外小屋,直到导演本人走了进来。政治迫害反而催生无穷创意,巴纳希 从容游走在现实与虚构之间,对电影和自由的坚持令人起敬。本届电影节节目包罗万有,选映了来自68个国家和地区、超过300部电影,当中56部属于世界、国际及亚洲首映。香港国际电影节协会主席王英伟太平 绅士表示:「近年本地的电影节越来越多,主题和风格各有特色,观众在主流电影以外多了不少选择。电影本是多元化的文化艺术,而作为亚洲区内历史最悠久、规 模最大的电影节之一,香港国际电影节一直为影迷搜罗世界各地的佳作,并云集台前幕后的业界精英,让观众与电影人直接对话、参与专题展览、庆祝派对和其他活 动。」今年多部华语片将于电影节隆重首映,见证了中港台三地电影人的蓬勃生机和创意。当中包括于仁泰执导的古装巨製《忠烈杨家将》,由郑少秋、郑伊健、吴 尊、林峰及周渝民主演(世界首映);台湾美藉导演陈骏霖的轻喜剧《明天记得爱上我》,由任贤齐、范晓萱及五月天团员石头主演,探索男同志中年出柜的心路历 程(亚洲首映);以及大导演杜琪峯的警匪片《毒战》,由古天乐及内地红星孙红雷主演(本地首映)。本地新晋导演同样状态大勇,黄修平(《当碧咸遇上奥云》、《魔术男》导演)以低成本拍出高水准新作《狂舞派》,在街头挑选满腔热血的舞痴试镜,更找 来黄贯中助阵,谱出正能量十足的青春梦想。周冠威首部长片《一个複杂故事》则改编自才女亦舒的同名小说,由张学友、车沅沅及卢海鹏主演,讲述港漂女生秘密 租借子宫给富太做代母,后果出乎意料,人生和爱情定义从此改变。两部作品将于电影节作世界首映,展现香港影坛新生代的实力。 电影节每年均精选大量外语电影,扩阔观众的文化视野。今年「拉美风情」和「瑞典六重奏」两个特别单元一共搜罗十四部作品,让影迷窥探世上不同角落的电影生 态和社会风貌。其中米奇麦西文(Mikael Marcimain) 的首作《应召女孩》曾于2012年多伦多电影节赢获国际影评人奖,灵感来自70年代真人真事,瑞典高官、政客涉嫌嫖上雏妓,骇人听闻。电影风格穿越侦探、 惊慄、青春片多种类型,幕幕扣人心弦。去年大会与中国热门视频网站优酷合作,出品微电影杂锦《美好2012》,先后入选康城、釜山、上海、多伦多等20个电影节,同时上载至优酷供内地网 民观赏,截至去年年底已累积超过1,600万浏览人次。今年香港国际电影节与优酷再度合作,製作《美好2013》,由四部短片组成。导演阵容强盛,包括香 港的张婉婷、台湾的吴念真、中国的吕乐,以及日本的黒沢清。四位导演将于3月20日的首映礼露面,跟观众交流。此外,大会得到新昌营造集团的赞助,在电影节期间特别放映一场南韩人气新片《狼少年之恋》和香港经典喜剧《半斤八両》,专为中学生而设,公众人士亦 可免费入场;电影节结束后更会举办两场专为大专学生而设的免费放映,力求将电影艺术推广至不同社群。香港国际电影节协会总监高思雅表示:「我们欢迎香港所 有大专院校的全日制学生报名参加。电影本来就是属于大众的文化和娱乐,协会今后将积极接触不同层面的本地社群,透过各式各样的节目和活动宣扬电影文化。」同时,大会宣布全新节目「电影节Cine Fan」将随着第37届香港国际电影节结束,紧接在4月初面世,

以香港艺术中心agnès b.电影院为基地,定期为观众送上主流电影以外的精选佳作,透过每月不同的回顾和专题展,搜罗大师名作、修复经典、香港独立电影,以及各类型的电影。本地 及海外的电影人和影评人将出席放映,跟观众会面,并参与公开讲座和论坛,促进国际文化交流。为配合「电影节Cine Fan」诞生,大会推出优惠计划,为成功申请的会员提供Cine Fan节目、香港国际电影节、夏日国际电影节及其他伙伴节目的票价优惠。在记者会上获颁发巨型会员卡的电影节大使杨千嬅表示:「一直以来都会捧电影节的 场,无他,因为节目多元化,让你尽情去笑、去哭、去思考,不像平日很多票房主导的作品,让人看得麻木。希望影迷能跟我一起继续支持电影节的所有活动!」有关第37届香港国际电影节节目详情,可浏览官方网站 www.hkiff.org.hk。门票将于2月23日起公开发售,公众可透过网上( www.hkiff.org.hk)及邮购订票,亦可于3月7日起在各大城市电脑售票网购票。  

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woo hoo! congrats to Herman!
almost 12 years ago


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