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Spider Man 3

Just went to IFC to go see Spider-Man 3 with one of my former lab mates who is in town this weekend on business (since pretty much everyone else was busy or out of town).

Like Spider-Man and Spider-Man 2, it was pretty good! I'm not sure if I'd say it was better than them (Spider-Man 2 is pretty hard to beat, thats for sure), but no matter what, definitely better than any Batman or Super-Man movie, thats for sure. (creepy gay jesus stalker Super Man!)

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大约 17 年 前 0 赞s  5 评论s  0 shares

Not God of good Commercials...

Have you guys seen this CM that Chow Yun Fat did for a new casino in Macao?  It is WEIRD...    does not make me want to go to that hotel at all...

(ok,  weird love toy statue women installed in every bath would be a positive if it were really true,  but tiger lady was kind of a turn-off)

17 年多 前 0 赞s  6 评论s  0 shares

now i know...

now i know what happens if you fall asleep on the night bus...

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Backstreet Fanatic...

I can't quite figure out if this is real or if its some sort of parody (a la the Terence super-fan in THK):

Totally Devoted - Grown-up Backstreet Boys Groupie

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a few youtube clips...

Off of youtube, from The Heavenly Kings...

Poor Andrew!

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Congrats to all who won at the HK film awards last night, especially Alive...

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etchy in the house

My first entry! 

the site is still buggy,  but i'll try putting some entries in once i get some time.

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On the Sun, no one can hear you scream...


ROTTEN: 5/10  5/10


Sunshine (2007)


| Entry | I went down to Shatin after work to watch the new movie with the somewhat lame title of ' '.

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Pics catch-up

I've got a few minutes before i head down to TST and i thought i'd try to get some more old pics out of the way before the onslaught of new ones comes. here's some from the last two or three weeks that slipped through the cracks:

On tuesday before my mom left we went down to wanchai to get my china renewed and took the ferry to TST. the sky wasn't really that red, its augmented by the sunset filter on my camera... but still not a bad shot....Read more

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Shenzhen shop-a-thon

As I mentioned last week, things have been quite busy lately. I have a lot of work to get through (lecture, research, etc) and then on top of that my mom is visiting this week with her friend (an old Argentinian-Armen!an lady). Since Sunday was the only free day I could go with them, they asked me to take them across the border to Shenzhen. I took them to Dongmen street, the same place I took my mom last November when she visited last:

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I work at alivenotdead.com. Please check out my blogs and leave a comment!


Hong Kong
April 13, 2007