I picked a card for you @blactarot , 以後希望能每天抽一張(儘量)。想我替你抽天使卡請follow @blactarot 留名留問題,我得閒會答D。 don't spread hate, bad luck comes back to you 3 times~ sorry that everything is flipped in the video, the card is "romance angels are helping you"
7月12,5pm,$480 「吸金魔法workshop」, 由一個最鍾意$嘅人✨✨帶領,自己做生意,想加人工,唔知點解儲唔倒$的人快call treehouse 2385-2225 or whatsapp 9768-5388 留位~ 上一班的學員,記得burn your candle
BLOG again?? yes yes please read :] ♥ http://www.roadshow.hk/blog-spotting/humans/entry/2014-07-03-06-45-53.html
Please follow @heyloveuniverse , I'll be selling these little drawings and some handmade crafts later~ 這是我賣幸運畫仔的account, 遲些還有民族手作✨✨
Singer, author, lyricist, former commercial radio 903DJ. Graduated from Ontario College of Art and Design. E is now a full time artist, and also the manager of