RT @dingalingy55: #AssadsWarOnChildren tells the world that he kills terrorists, Then? Is she a terrorist? http://t.co/Eh0G8w9cvh #EmirPrel…
RT @AlArabiya: أبو قتادة لـ"داعش": الصحافي رسول لا يقتل
المزيد على الرابط التالي: http://t.co/X2t2JrYruT http://t.co/if2gaIUAdt
En este momento del mundo, no me interesan en absoluto los musulmanes que hablan de "PAZ". Yo no quiero la paz con Occidente.
RT @MeryBled: this for 3 yrs with no actions & it took 1week to decide to fight ISIS @RevolutionSyria #Assadswaronchildren #Syria http://t.…
RT @Afghananalyst: #BREAKING: Steven #Sotloff was an #Israel citizen who pretended to be a #Chechen #Muslim: http://t.co/LclHvZUCGi #Steven…
RT @bintaltawhid: Druze girl told me today that she doesn't know what is her religion about. She said that there are no books about her rel…
RT @BintelSaif: AHAHAHAHA http://t.co/AjDIuMxg5P
RT @RevolutionSyria: Freedom isn’t free. They are paying for it with all they have. #Syria http://t.co/x2ueZnsh1I
RT @intifada: AUDIO: Israel fires "warning" missiles at Gaza City geriatric hospital http://t.co/bSAfp2ZwlE #GazaUnderAttack http://t.co/PM…
RT @Marwouantounsi: Two Syrians Muslims burnt alive by shi'a militias in Lebanon, but they're Sunni so the media won't give a shit. http://…
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