Cara Grogan
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Life is better because of you. My greatest gifts in this lifetime and I’m soon to be blessed again with another angel ? I love my growing family so very much especially Daddy @jespermcilroy xxx


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Today Im at home sick with a terrible cough. On the bright side Hubby is home too and helping with the kids so it’s the perfect chance for me to catch up on some Netflix. Kick my legs up, drink hot chocolate and eat chips all day. Well until 3 when I have a shoot.

? @shawnkei @kimandcocoffeeculture

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Have you seen #FrontlineFashion yet? Join me as I get to know some fabulous emerging designers in their final stages of the world's largest sustainable fashion competition. To watch the series please go to the @getredressed page and clink the link to their YouTube channel. Make sure to subscribe to the YouTube channel so you don’t miss any of the excitement as we find out which of the talented 11 will win! @getredressed

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People keep asking me if I have popped. I mean I would say it’s beyond the popping stage and more closer to the I’m about to pop stage. I have now hit the 6 month mark. I feel like baby will be here so quickly with all the holidays around the corner and visitors. Am I ready? God knows, most days I feel so ready other days I feel nauseous thinking about how it is even going to be remotely possible to be a living human with 3 haha. So dramatic I know and that thought is only on days I have not slept or my kids having been trying to kill each other for a solid 12 hours ...Read more

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Yesterday afternoon was perfect. We painted flowers with water colours with our toes in the sand and enjoyed a picnic dinner at sunset and it was divine. Leaving the beach the challenges began. Kids screamed for about 30 minutes because they did not want to leave the beach and their friend. Then when we got home India decides it will be really funny to runaway and hide in our village in the dark. Took me 30 minutes ( 30 minutes seem like a lifetime when you think your child is unsafe ) to find her. in the meantime her sister and Roxy went looking for me. Took me anot...Read more

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and the bath time conversation went down like this .....

FREIJA: I’m a mermaid INDIA: your a child and your mother is dead FREIJA: I’m not a child and my mum is the sea bitch INDIA: your a child and you mean witch FREIJA: I’m not! I’m a fully grown mermaid sea bitch. Thanks Disney for making my kids imaginations run wild and creating an illusion that parents either die, disappear or send their children away




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Posers ❤️

TheMcIlroys #indiaandfreija

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Her first sparkler had her mesmerised ✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨


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Tree huggers ?? Next time we visit our family should be able to wrap around the whole tree.


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Hong Kong
May 20, 2008