Official Artist
Andres Useche
Director , Producer , Screenwriter , Composer , Singer
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RT @AdamParkhomenko: NBC has already been tougher on Pelosi in ‘19 than it was on Trump for the last three years. Beginning to think the ne…

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RT @danpfeiffer: Who wants to tell him that the central premise of Game of Thrones is that walls don’t work? https://t.co/5CQjtB4jUt

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RT @AnaCabrera: In the new Congress:

-record # of women -1st Muslim women to serve -1st Native American women to serve -1st Latina members…

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RT @DemWrite: It’s official. #DemsTakeTheHouse.

RT if you volunteered, phone banked, canvassed, text banked, postcarded, registered voters…

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RT @RegSprecher: Openness, tolerance and respect. These values have made our country strong. We must stand up for them together – even when…

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RT @SenKamalaHarris: An important moment in history as the 116th Congress is sworn in. This new class is the most diverse and includes the…

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RT @RepBarbaraLee: First day of a new era. ??? https://t.co/GeGv6xvJuv

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RT @HawaiiDelilah: "When our new members take the oath, our Congress will be refreshed, and our democracy will be strengthened by their opt…

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RT @StevenBeschloss: Since he proclaimed his chief goal was to make Obama a one-term president, to denying Merrick Garland his hearing for…

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I make films, music and art. http://andresuseche.blogspot.com/ http://www.facebook.com/andres1

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Los Angeles, United States
Member Since
September 16, 2008