Gave my studio a good sweep. Let's start the Chinese New Year holiday until 1st March. 弄好清潔,工作室正式放農曆年假期直至3月1日。
學生Rain快完成她的新BJD作品。不愧是有製作BJD經驗,她今次作品的娃臉有點似陽月人形,未上色已經非常漂亮,期待看到她的完成品。 #球體關節人形##瓷器BJD##BJD##自製BJD##PorcelainBJD##創作人偶##balljointdoll#
Rain WHY and her handmade BJD. She is my student of BJD's primary sculpting technique course. She has a great potential to be a doll artist as Hizuki. 學生Rain快完成她的新BJD作品。不愧是有製作BJD經驗,她今次作品的娃臉有點似陽月人形,未上色已經非常漂亮,期待看到她的完成品。
Busy in making a new head of BJD's Prototype. 努力製作bjd原型用新頭中!
I'm a Tim Burton fans, so I don't miss to see his new movie 'Big Eyes'. It is a great moive and highly recommend to all artists, not only painting artists. #BigEyes #TimBurton
小妹是香港瓷器球體關節人形(Porcelain Ball-Joint Doll)的藝術家及香港微型藝術會會員,請多多指教!I'm the Artist of Porcelain BJD & Miniature in Hong Kong.