Alok Leung
音乐监製, 音乐家
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My new Phon°Noir Remix Track - Free Download

a new phon°noir release is coming up: from Monday morning, 27 october 2008, COUNTING RAINDROPS: THE REMIXES will be available for free download from the link displayed above. this first phon°noir download-only release features 7 remixes of tracks from the last album THE OBJECTS DON'T NEED US.

TRACKLISTING: 01 .Gullhomen (calika bass mix) 02 .You are the eskimo (tg mauss mix) 03 .Read more

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SIngle Review in Grooves Mag (US)

C sounds at first as though nothing’s happening. But when this Chinese sound artist’s 3-inch CD is paused, then un-paused, a distinct difference in sonic air pressure is definitely discernable. Brown, unbroken heft displaces utter silence, rising oh-so-slowly in volume until you’d swear it was always lurking there in your field of hearing. Then a dermal layer of prickled static asserts itself, fading to a fizz before you’ve become accustomed to it.

The 21-minute, 30-second sole, track—“C for Schubert” —becomes much m...Read more

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NEW CD Review on Blog.libero.it (Italy)

Alok e' l'intelligente fondatore della Lona Records Situata in Cina (Hong Kong). Ma non solo, oltre al ruolo di manager Alok e' anche un valido artista. "Placid Places" e' il suo ultimo lavoro, un profluvio lento ed incessante di "clicks and glitch" rumori senza tempo, respiri affannosi, electronica urticante. Cinque tracks dove il musicista cinese sviluppa partiture sonore difficili e portentose..

by Claudio Baroni

(but dont know the meaning of this review in Italia...Read more

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CD Shops and On-Line Stores

Lona Record's CD"s now @ Delay No Mall. Thanks ArNe.


Another cd shops and on-line stores also avaliable:

Lona Records(HK)

Monitor Records (HK)Kubrick - BC (cine.gems)(HK)

Mackie Study (HK)

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Another album review on MCB.com.hk


(Lona Records)**Text : 袁智聰

Post Date : 2008-06-05

當獨立音樂人Alok從電音組合Slow Tech Riddim走出來之後,我們可以看到他經歷過幾過不同的音樂階段。

先是其首張個人專輯《Wahoo》充滿趣味性的折衷電子音樂路線,延續著Slow Tech Riddim的Electronica製作方針;然後到《夜寂31往還》和《29。跋》重投結他主導的音樂姿態以拓展Shoegazer、Post-Rock以至Indie-Dance之領域,那不但履行到他的音樂野心,同時亦熱衷作現場演出;而他的下一個階段,便是全程投入Laptop電音創作與表演的里程。

三年前Alok曾在訪問中向我說過:「我依然好熱愛Electronica,現在比較喜歡聽...Read more

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My new album review on Timeout Magazine

Alok - Placid Places

It’s silly to give Placid Places a three-star rating. This is not the sort of album that should be measured according to a scale. It is art – to be experienced, and then reacted to.

Partly because of that, most people will hate it.

But this is not for most people. Sound art, experimental electronica, industrial noise – take your pick. It’s not exactly toe-tapping stuff. Take the first track, Pool Weakness. It’s 20 minutes of fuzz, buzz, and drone – as if someone has amplifie...Read more

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english, cantonese
Hong Kong
October 5, 2007