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Aiko Tanaka
Actor , Model
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I was feeling funky because I lost your number ( again) and I didn’t get to talk to you on your bday. hope you got your package.

I haven’t seen you for 8 years I grow taller and my head is bigger I haven’t let boys touch me and I still do my homework and I don’t drink and I go to church and only bad thing I do is I have bad mouth. It is 12:33am and I cried a bit because I missed you today and I am a fag like that. I would like to eat your onigiri. I miss going to four seasons. chinzansou. It was so fuckin uncomfortable as a kid d...Read more

over 14 years ago 0 likes  0 comment  0 shares

Comedy Zen presents “Jokes of Death”

This Thursday. With Rajiv Satyal, Eliot Chang, K.T. Tatara, and Just Kidding Films at the Japanese American National Museum in Little Tokyo – 8pm & Buy Tickets

over 14 years ago 0 likes  0 comment  0 shares

MIso is new black!

I’m back.

I’m glad you are here.

Thanks for your email this is for you. quick update.

I’m going to shoot Japanese film and start 15min japanese radio with www.bridgusa.com so stay tuned!

To be prepared, I’m doing everything Japanese possible, eating rice, miso soup, I’m turning japanese turning japanese I really think so!

over 14 years ago 0 likes  0 comment  0 shares

I like

I want t mention 2009 best

Boiling crab. I can eat bag of shrimp with no allergic reaction.

My girlfriends, friends. I adore all my gfs. I noticed that really hot chicks doesn’t think they are hot. But lately they are putting smiles on my face. ( sup to all my beautiful sisters..Michelle feng, Judy, Grace, Becky, Calistawu my bday girl, Christina. I’m glad I’m not a boy because I will spend all my money for Xmas gifts. )

Doing my ninjaRap with Peter Rokk(myninjaclothing.com)

Cooking thanks giving. all sort of baked dead...Read more

about 15 years ago 0 likes  1 comments  0 shares

Hey, world:)

So, It was my bday. I came out lil too early. My mom said I was pretty violent infant who danced lot inside her belly. I couldn’t wait to check out this earth, I felt lame floating in water on Friday nite  so I decided to come out few days earlier than the day I supposed to come out. Impatient. I’m still the same. It was rainy day. Hydrangea. A lot of them. My dad bought it for mom and she hated it.

I came here not knowing anything. I was so hungry first, so I guess that’s why I like cooking and feeding people. I was not outgoing and str...Read more

about 15 years ago 0 likes  2 comments  0 shares


Even though u like something it doesn’t mean it will work out. Shrimp. I love shrimp, but I have allergic reaction and my lips get swollen. Shrimp doesn’t love me back. That’s for sure.

Lately, I found new favorite. Richard Pryor. Yup. I know I’m late. He’s like whoa..I love how he can talk about using drugs, going to jail all the stuff.  They say doing stand up for him was therapeutic. Many arts and literature came from 1930 during great depression, so I guess expressing yourself does help.

2009 is almost over. I’m surrounded by good ...Read more

over 15 years ago 0 likes  1 comments  0 shares


is important.

I really like to stay in my shell and watch dvd or play tetris. I can do it for a week(and  go to school or work.)

sometimes in a tub. I’d bring food in. I look like prune. It’s weired ethic I came up with when I was a kid.No one is sad or mad.  But, lately I don’t mind socializing. I think face book can be bad because I feel like I made friends without leaving home. People give me kalbi beef and tokidoki pet. I don’t eat meat. My pet must be starved to death and dry by now. I don’t like virtual gifts.

meeting ...Read more

over 15 years ago 0 likes  1 comments  0 shares

my girlfriend

has isomnia. My day and nite flipped when I had flu and slept all day.

今日はしけた一日でした。森から熊が出てきました。さあー大変 食べられてしまいます。

I have this doll my friend gave me that supposed to release positive energy from her sculp.

halloween is coming. I don’t care.

I’m going to runyon with my friends.

I haven’t cook for like long ass time.

I’m going to sleep.

fun. fun. fun. sure.

over 15 years ago 0 likes  0 comment  0 shares


Choices..I have to make at this moment.

Last two weeks were crazy. Work, sleep, sweat out.

I get to work with this amazing team and director  jinyookim. (www.jinyookim.com)

Air hugs.

over 15 years ago 0 likes  0 comment  0 shares

kon shu.(this week.)

been busy. working.

I still found a time to get cold, so I did that. Doing it now. Fever is not fun when you don’t have M.C. Escher’s drawings. dali is too vivid when my head hurts. Mindy Sterling said I’m funny as I’m ditzy. I wasn’t sure if it was a compliment. But she speaks the truth and I love how she is.

Obama won Nobel peace Prize. In the meanwhile, I was watching very violent video from youtube. Shark attacks. I need to move on.

I bought incents from whole food to clean QI in my house. It’s nauseating. Why...Read more

over 15 years ago 0 likes  1 comments  0 shares



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