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New song by 24Herbs featuring Paul Wong, with subtitles. This song will be on the new album coming out very soon. http://www.24herbs.com http://www.alivenotdead.com/24herbs

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24Herbs x Paul Wong "Control"|廿四味新歌"Control"(控制)跟黃貫中!|廿四味新歌"Control"(控制)跟黄贯中!

Check out our new song featuring HK rock legend Paul Wong. This song will also be on the new album coming out very soon. We are in mastering stage now.  Video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tSIdK8WJ6Mc |Check out our new song featuring HK rock legend Paul Wong. This song will also be on the new album coming out very soon. We are in mastering stage now.  Vide...Read more

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24HERBS X Paul Wong - Control, now playing on 903!

24HERBS X Paul Wong - Control, now playing on 903!

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Remy Martin presents 24Herbs


Remy Martin Presents 24 Herbs @ Penthouse Sky Lounge on Thursday, 24th March 2011.

Tickets on Sale NOW!

HKD $192 in advance

HKD $240 at the door

24 Herbs will be performing from 10 to 12 midnight. Two complimentary glasses of Remy...Read more

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24Herbs' "Bring It On" CD coming very soon!

24Herbs' "Bring It On" CD coming very soon! Also, three new videos for y'all! Wonderland, Bring It On and Fashionista!!

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PUMA Social Event!! 24Herbs' special - Ping Pong!!!

PUMA Social Event!! 24Herbs' special - Ping Pong!!!

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Seeing as our favorite greedy fung shui man is back!|快看,當我們最愛的風水師回來時!|快看,当我们最爱的风水师回来时!

Seeing as our favorite greedy fung shui man is back, we did this one for fun, it will not be in the album. A free download for y'all. Chick on the link to download. Check it out !!

New album will be ready soon, we are all working hard on it. 


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Our song "Wonderland" is No.2 on Metro Radio|我們的新歌“Wonderland”在新城臺榮登第二名|我们的新歌“Wonderland”在新城台荣登第二名

Our song "Wonderland" is No.2 on Metro Radio.... nice.


新城知訊台資訊網 Read more

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Hong Kong
April 10, 2007